Miloš Štědroň: An Evening of Ballads and More

Contemporary music series S
Studio of Švanda Theater
Štefánikova 57, Praha 5
Tickets Buy a subscription

Subscription full price: CZK 1900 | CZK 1400 (seniors 65+)
Individual concert tickets: CZK 400 | 300 (seniors 65+) | 100 (under age of 15)

Members of the Prague Philharmonia

Guest: Gabriela Vermelho — violin, voice

Miloš Štědroň (1942)
CLIVER for 4 violins (world premiere)
Austerlitz for 3 cellos
Secret Desires of a Hunter. Divertimento for string quartet.
WAM WACHS for 2 percussion players
Limeriky-Limericks to five-line verses by the English playwright Edward Lear (with translations by Antonín Přidal), for voice and solo violin with string quartet

The jubilee 20th concert season of the Prague Philharmonia's contemporary music series will be ceremoniously opened by Miloš Štědroň – a prominent contemporary music composer, musicologist, author of chamber, orchestral, and vocal music, as well as countless compositions for stage plays and films. Among his most well-known works is the "Ballad for a Bandit," composed for the Husa na Provázku (Goose on a String) theater in Brno, which he co-founded.

Miloš Štědroň lives and composes in Brno. He has devoted a significant part of his life to studying and analyzing the work of Leoš Janáček, the renowned Czech composer. Štědroň is also an admirer of the music of Arnold Schoenberg and Anton Webern. In the 1960s, during the era of the so-called New Music, he personally met with Karlheinz Stockhausen and Pierre Boulez.

He has filled the program of today's concert with his very interesting compositions for unusual instrumental ensembles. He will guide us through his work and today's program, for which he has invited violinist and singer Gabriela Vermelho as a guest.

General partner
Komerční banka
With support
Hl.město Praha
Ministerstvo kultury
Principal partner
General media partner
Česká televize
Principal media partner
Hospodářské noviny
Partneři zvuku
Portu Gallery
Wood & Company
Centrální depozitář cenných papírů
Mozart Prague