Petr Kotík and Philip Glass: 50 Years in New York City

Contemporary music series S
Velký sál Švandova divadla na Smíchově
Štefánikova 6/57, 150 00 Praha 5
Tickets Buy a subscription

Season ticket 1900 CZK | 1400 CZK (seniors 65+)
Individual tickets 450 CZK | 350 CZK (seniors 65+) | 100 CZK (under 15)

Members of the Prague Philharmonia

Guest: Miroslav Beinhauer — piano

Philip Glass (1937)
String Quartet No. 1 (1966, Czech premiere)
Piece in the Shape of a Square for two flutes (1967, Czech premiere)
Two Pages (1968)

Petr Kotík (1942)
Arianne, sonata for cello and piano (2001–2024, world premiere)
Suite from the opera Master-Pieces (2014–2018/2024, world premiere)

Special concert

These two composers have been active in the musical avant-garde in New York City since the 1970s, a common point where they create, compose, and organize concerts and major artistic projects.

What influenced them most in the early days of their musical involvement? Werethey fundamentally shaped by their family background? Petr Kotík, who has been a long term friend of Philip Glass, will guide you through an evening on the development of the musical avant-garde in New York City since the 1970s.

Our selection of compositions by Glass was consulted with his close associates – the pianist Michael Riesman (music director of the Philip Glass Ensemble and conductor of almost all of Glass’s compositions) and Richard Guérin (director of Orange Mountain Music, one of the record labels founded by Glass). Three pieces have been selected; two will be performed in their Czech premieres. The third piece, Two Pages from 1968, one of his most typical compositions from this period, will be presented by the internationally acclaimed pianist Miroslav Beinhauer, who has already performed this work several times.

The program will feature two compositions by Petr Kotík, both in their world premieres.

On the occasion of this concert, we will publish program notes featuring a unique conversation between the two composers about their student years, professional beginnings and inspirations, recorded in New York in 2014.

General partner
Komerční banka
With support
Hl.město Praha
Ministerstvo kultury
Principal partner
General media partner
Česká televize
Principal media partner
Hospodářské noviny
Partneři zvuku
Portu Gallery
Wood & Company
Centrální depozitář cenných papírů
Mozart Prague