Between Classical & Electronic Music: Karel Havlíček and Vadim Petrov

Contemporary music series S
Studio S1, Český rozhlas
Vinohradská 12, 120 00 Praha 2
Tickets Buy a subscription

Season Ticket Price 1900 CZK | 1400 CZK (seniors 65+)
Single Tickets 400 CZK | 300 CZK (seniors 65+) | 100 CZK (children under 15)

Members of the Prague Philharmonia

Guest: Karel Havlíček — piano, electronics

Karel Havlíček
Selected Works

Vadim Petrov
String Quartet (World Premiere)

The concert will include light visualizations.

Special concert

The final concert in the Prague Philharmonia's contemporary music cycle will have a distinctly different character and program from the previous concerts. Two guests, both esteemed in their fields and united by their interest in contemporary music, particularly the integration of classical with electroacoustic and electronic music, will share the stage.

Karel Havlíček (1974) – A contemporary Czech composer and sound designer alternating between Los Angeles and Prague. He mainly composes for films – both Czech and Hollywood productions – as well as commercials and notable Czech TV idents (Czech Television's "Události", "ČT Sport"), merging electronic and classical music. His extensive experience in sound and music composition makes him one of the most in-demand composers and sound designers in Europe and the USA. In 2024, he received a nomination for Best Music at the Czech Lion Awards for his score for the film "Brothers".

Vadim Petrov (1957) – Son of a leading Czech composer, trained as a classical guitarist, but spent most of his career in other fields – from music director at Czechoslovak Television to press secretary in Václav Klaus's governments, and human resources general manager. He has been an expert in political marketing and cybersecurity, a field in which he continues to work. He authored two books, "The Man Who Casts No Shadow" and "Loading". After 2020, he returned to music, focusing intensively on contemporary classical music with electronic elements using computer programs.

The concert program will showcase a selection from Karel Havlíček's diverse portfolio, performed by various instrumental ensembles formed exclusively for this evening from members of the Prague Philharmonia.

Vadim Petrov has been significantly involved in developing the concept for this exceptional evening and has also taken on the challenge of composing a string quartet for this project, which will have its world premiere at the concert.

Specially for this event, individual compositions will be prepared for the space of Studio S1 of Czech Radio, including light visualizations of the music.

General partner
Komerční banka
With support
Hl.město Praha
Ministerstvo kultury
Principal partner
General media partner
Česká televize
Principal media partner
Hospodářské noviny
Partneři zvuku
Portu Gallery
Wood & Company
Centrální depozitář cenných papírů
Mozart Prague