Taťjana Medvecká

Already as a child, she recited and danced, and attended a literary and drama club at a Public School of Art. When in her second year of secondary school she was accepted to the Drama Academy of Music in Prague where she graduated in 1975. Already during her studies, she appeared as a guest at the National Theatre. In 1975 she became a member of its Drama Team – and it remains her only permanent engagement, by the end of 2019 she created one hundred and thirteen roles there. Among the other stages where she has performed as a guest are Rococo Theatre, Dejvice Theatre, Theatre on the Balustrade and Viola Theatre. She has twice received the Thalia Award for her theatrical work, namely for her roles in the plays Marie Stuart (2000) and Married for the First Time (2002). 

Her camera debut was in Otakar Vávra's film The Liberation of Prague (1975), a year later came one of her most famous roles in the film Marecku, Pass Me the Pen!. But more than by film, she was embraced by television, and often appeared in the roles of princesses, country girls or mothers in fairy tales. In recent years, she took on roles in the series I, Mattoni (2016), The First Republic (2017) and Most! (2019).

A significant part of her work is dubbing (she dubbed the voices of Susan Sarandon and Barbara Streisand, and also narrated the children’s good night story series The Little Car with a Red Heart) and other radio roles. She is the holder of the František Filipovský Award (1997) for dubbing and she is repeatedly highly praised on the radio in the audience poll called the Invisible Actor.

General partner
Komerční banka
With support
Hl.město Praha
Ministerstvo kultury
Principal partner
General media partner
Česká televize
Principal media partner
Hospodářské noviny
Partneři zvuku
Portu Gallery
Wood & Company
Centrální depozitář cenných papírů
Mozart Prague