Kateřina Horká and Marián Lejava. The Czech–Slovak Contemporary Scene

Contemporary music series S
Studio of Švanda Theater
Štefánikova 57, Praha 5
Tickets Buy a subscription

Subscription full price, CZK 1900 | 1400 (seniors 65+)
Individual concert tickets, CZK 400 | 300 (seniors 65+) | 100 (up to age of 15)

Members of the Prague Philharmonia

Guest: Anna Paulováclarinet

Kateřina Horká
Four Fates for violin, clarinet, cello and piano (2023, world premiere)
Dodeka i do kila for clarinet and piano (2014)
In Honor of Pierrot for violin, clarinet and piano (2022, world premiere)
String Quartet No. 2 (2017)

Marián Lejava 
Con Brio (Omaggio a V. B.) for violin, cello and piano, Op. 27, 2010/2020 (world premiere)
Con Dolore (Prologo: Omaggio a R. B.) for clarinet, cello and piano, Op. 37, 2022/2024 (world premiere)

Four world premieres in one evening are promised by this concert of two representatives of the contemporary school of composition in the Czech Republic and Slovakia.

Kateřina Horká (1993) has composed more than 150 works of various forms and characters, from chamber music to jazz and symphonic works. She profiles herself as an arranger and composer for all genres. She has been a finalist in numerous competitions, including the Cory Brass Band Composition Prize (Cardiff, UK) and the River City Brass Composition Prize (Pittsburgh, USA). In 2023, she won the St. Christopher International Composition Competition in Vilnius (Lithuania).

Marián Lejava (1976) is a prominent Slovak conductor, composer, teacher, a two-time winner of the Radio Head Awards and winner of two Music Fund Awards. His compositions have been performed at many national and international festivals of contemporary music (ISCM World New Music Days: Zagreb 2005, Warsaw Autumn 2006, Košice 2013, Biennial of Music Zagreb 2015 and Tallin 2019). In 2006 and 2017 he released two CDs of his own music.

Marián Lejava has prepared two world premieres of his compositions for the Prague audience, while Kateřina Horká will present four compositions, two of which will also be given their world premieres.

The guest performer of the evening will be the leading Czech clarinetist Anna Paulová.

General partner
Komerční banka
With support
Hl.město Praha
Ministerstvo kultury
Principal partner
General media partner
Česká televize
Principal media partner
Hospodářské noviny
Partneři zvuku
Portu Gallery
Wood & Company
Centrální depozitář cenných papírů
Mozart Prague