Contemporary Music Series in short
In the 2021/2022 season, in the Contemporary Music Series S performed by members of the PKF — Prague Philharmonia and their guests, we will present exceptional compositions by present-day Czech and Slovak composers with a slight overlap into the period of the recent past and the Central European musical scene of the Visegrad Four. The music will be presented by chamber ensembles formed from members of the PKF — Prague Philharmonia and guest performers selected especially for this series. Just like last season, the program will continue to take place in a debate/concert format. The composers themselves and eminent figures of the Czech and Slovak cultural scene have been invited to attend each of these concerts in person. Our intention is to prepare an intriguing thematic evening filled with music and a pleasant atmosphere, making it possible for the audience to ask the performers and special guests anything during the concert.
Hana Dohnálková
Artistic Programmer of the Contemporary Music Series S